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Writer's pictureMarieke de Wijse

about me (Marieke de Wijse)

Updated: Feb 18, 2022

Marieke de Wijse-van Heeswijk MSc, external Phd researcher

Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Section intervention methodology

Marieke de Wijse-Van Heeswijk (44, mother of three, living in a small village in the Netherlands near the German Border Millingen)is external PhD researcher at Nijmegen school of Management (Radboud University, the Netherlands, promotors Prof. Etienne Rouwette and Prof. Sander Meijerink). Marieke studies the effects of interventions in and around game simulations on learning/change with participants. Marieke is a member ISAGA board (from 2004-2008 and 2021 until now) and member of the Dutch ISAGA branch Saganet (since 2004) and NASAGA (since 2020). Marieke was guest editor for the special issue facilitation of simulation games in the Game and Simulation Journal and is now associate editor. Marieke was a change and learning consultant and game designer/facilitator for GITP International from 2004 until 2015. From 2015 she started her research on the effects of different facilitation approaches in various types of simulation games. Marieke uses both qualitative, quantitative and action research methodology and is used to a multidisciplinary research approach taking in perspectives from sociology, organizational sciences, public administration and philosophy. She is also the host of the special interest groups Facilitation, Sustainability and Game Science at ISAGA.

Publication info

Angelini, M.L. and De Wijse-van Heeswijk, M., A Comprehensive View of Simulation, book chapter in Simulation and education eds Angelini et al, (this book)

Laere, van, J., Lindblom, J. and de Wijse-van Heeswijk, M. (2021) ‘Complexifying Facilitation by Immersing in Lived Experiences of on-the-fly Facilitation’, Simulation & Gaming.

Leigh, E., Tipton, E., De Wijse-van Heeswijk, M., (2019), A journey to the Role of the Facilitator: personal stories unfolding alongside world trends, in Wardaszko, M. (2019). SIMULATION & GAMING THROUGH TIMES AND ACROSS DISCIPLINES. Akademia Leona Kozminskiego.

Leigh, E.,Likhaeva, E., Tipton, E, De Wijse-van Heeswijk, M. (2021), Facilitation design of simulation games, special issue Journal of gaming and simulation, Sage publishing, spring 2021.

Roungas, B., de Wijse, M., Meijer, S., & Verbraeck, A. (2016). Pitfalls for debriefing games and simulations: Theory and practice. In Intersections in simulation and gaming (pp. 101-115). Springer.

Wijse-van Heeswijk, de, M., (2021), The ethical role of the facilitator in simulation games. Don’t take yourself too seriously, on the other hand do because you need to be a professional. Expected publication in special issue on facilitation, Game and Simulation Journal June 2021

De Wijse- van Heeswijk, M., 2022, Facilitation interventions to increase learning effectiveness in game simulations. A generic approach of facilitation applicable to a broad variety of simulation games. Book chapter Simulations and education, eds. Angelini et al., (this book)

De Wijse- van Heeswijk, M., Rouwette, E. and Van Laere, J., 2022, A case study report on facilitation interventions to increase learning effectiveness in game simulations, book chapter in Simulation and education eds. Angelini et al., (this book)

De Wijse- van Heeswijk, M., Comparative case study analysis on effects of facilitation interventions in different types of simulation games an effect study. Book chapter in Simulation and education, eds. Angelini et al., (this book)

De Wijse- van Heeswijk, M. and Kriz, W.C. 2021 In press. A design science perspective on formative evaluation in simulation games. Book chapter in Simulation and education, Angelini et al., release spring 2022 by Springer.

De Wijse- van Heeswijk, M. and Leigh, E., Ethics and simulation games in a cultural context. Why should we bother? And what can we learn? Book Simulation Games and Culture, book Chapter Editors prof Kikkawa and Dr Kriz, release spring 2022

Specific projects:

- Developing ethical standards for professional facilitators of simulation games and facilitators that use gamifications and gamified interventions

- Running enroads sessions online (see as much as I can to allow anyone who wants to get acquainted with the effects of policy decisions on the world climate

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