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Tic-tac-toe for sustainability

Writer's picture: Luiz Antonio TittonLuiz Antonio Titton

Updated: Dec 3, 2021

Students need procedural competence early in their math learning. It is not uncommon to observe that before understanding mathematics, the learning of quantities and sequences was necessary. But to perform a repetitive task such as summing, for example, the student experiences difficulties.

We noticed that the game of tic-tac-toe has a sequence of repetition of procedures and that it will develop the reasoning of the choice and the vision of the consequence in seconds.

Because it's such a fast-paced game, it develops this ability to be replayed over and over again. And, perhaps because of the frequency, there is some learning.


There are indications that when the youth recognizes that some first move strategies can lead to victory, learning occurs. And, right now there is emotion. We are suggesting that emotion can play an important role in learning.

This memory seems similar to the same one affected by Alzheimer's disease: short-term memory. Aging induces the loss of this type of memory not only with objects, but with common daily routines.


If you've read this text so far, congratulations! But actually it's a fake text. I've never used this game and I don't even have a clue if it would work that way. This text is for us to check if there is really something good in a text so we can create our minimum acceptance standards.

Put in the comment below your hypothesis of what we could include as a minimum item necessary for us to approve texts here on our website.

Now you may ask what Tic-tac-toe has to do with sustainability. The answer is obvious nothing. This page sample was written for you (member) get the idea that whatever you write here, it is mandatory to have a relation with sustainability. That is our deal.

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